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BarCamp Sydney 3 Day Two

So, BarCamp Sydney 3 is over. I attended yesterday, but left in the early afternoon after feeling decidedly “camped out”. Maybe it was the free beer and pub meal the night before, or maybe the free pizza at lunch yesterday sent me into a food coma. Either way, I found I had lost the energy to continue in any productive fashion.

In the morning I did, however, show lft’s Craft, an amazing demo written for a 20mhz microcontroller. (I insist you check it out, if you haven’t seen it already.) The reaction was really positive, despite my initial uncertainty that people would actually get why it is so amazing.

Overall, my BarCamp experience was great. I really enjoyed presenting and interrupting people contributing to some really interesting discussions. What I liked most of all, though, was meeting so many interesting and enthusiastic people. I thought that maybe 2 full days was a little much for me, but perhaps next year there will be more attendees that will justify the extended time.

Thanks to all the unorganisers, who worked tirelessly to make everything ran smoothly. Well done.

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