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BarCamp Sydney 3 Day One

Day one is over, and it was a lot of fun. I gave my presentation and it went really well. There were a few people who commented on having enjoyed it, and at least one or two who will definitely go on to play with Processing. Mission accomplished.

The other presentations were mostly very interesting. One that sparked particular debate was on “web 3.0″, and whatever that’s supposed to mean. I really enjoyed the format of the conference: interruptions are not just permitted, they are encouraged. You can see a photo of me making some sort of important point on Flickr (plus a couple of other embarrassing shots).

During the day a couple of guys and I set up a “Rick Roll” presentation, which was exactly what you would imagine. Surprisingly at least 20 or so people came, I still have no idea why. I think a lot of this Rick Rolling business is just a cover-up for the fact that people seem to just like the song.

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