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End of Semester 1, 2008

And now, for my biannual end-of-semester summary. I have finished everything now, except I have an exam for my Compilers subject at the end of the month, and I am presenting my Photography work on Wednesday next week.

For my major work I have been taking photographs of industrial areas, particularly those related to supply of resources. I spent a lot of time trudging around in the bushes that surround the fences that keep people like me out of those sort of places, so I ended up taking a lot of photos of them, too. Below are the four that I’ve had lambda-printed to 70 x 70cm, and will present next week.





In unrelated news, I have installed OS X on my Core 2 Duo-based PC and it all seems to be running quite well. (It is much faster in Photoshop when using large files – it must be better at managing memory.) If it continues to perform well, I’ll nuke my Windows XP partition and pick up a couple more 500gb drives and set up an ZFS-based file store on this machine.

The only downside so far is that my external audio interface (ESI QuataFire 610) is unsupported. I think I’d rather get a new interface than keep running XP, though. Anyone have any suggestions?

One Response to “End of Semester 1, 2008”

  1. nf » Industrial Photography Says:

    [...] you didn’t catch on from my end-of-semester update a few months ago, I’ve returned to phtographing industrial landscapes this year. The reasons [...]

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